Votter Release : DISQUS comment system

Some may have noticed that both for this blog and thevotter.com we use the DISQUS comment system. We had originally started out with our own “Blotter” commenting system but it quickly became alot to monitor without all the features we would want. We had been users of the DISQUS  comment system on other sites such as CNN so we figured we’d give it a shot. The web setup took about 10 minutes and implementation took only about an hour to modify our php files to use their API. Not bad at all but it did leave use with two disjoint systems since our Android app still used our old Blotter system.

With this update the blotter system has been removed and DISQUS has been implemented within our Android App. Now the comments will sync between the web and the app. We hope everyone enjoys the new system as they can have same account for commenting across news sites and across apps. You can give the comment system a try right here in the blog by registering with any of the social networks. If you like it, please let us know.

For those who didn’t update in version 1.06, we now also have Facebook Login for android. This is using the newly released facebook android SDK last week. We hope this will reduce the amount of users who download the app but don’t register. Using this plugin users can login to our App without registering.  The Android code for this is a bit more complex than DISQUS. Hopefully when the SDK is out a bit longer some standard approaches will be available.  However, if readers are interested we can release our code for the login script.

When looking at the Google App store we only saw a handful of apps using the DISQUS comment system  so we may do a code segment in a few days to help those who want to implement a similar system in Android. Let us know in the comment section if you need the code or just the general approach.

If you haven’t downloaded Votter you can follow the Google Play link below

Android app on Google Play